Please donate to help support relief efforts in Haiti

Haven't been updating my blog for a while now, but after making my own donation
I thought it would be meaningful to spread the word and help out in anyway we can.

Personally I've had bad experiences being badgered by suspicious people asking for donations who take the money nowhere. I've also felt that just donating wasn't enough. That maybe it was just another way to get off feeling guilty or something. But after getting older I've realized that I was being a bit childish.

Now that I have more opportunities to reach out to more people at my concerts or parties etc., I felt the duty of helping people become aware of being more involved in one's community. That community must be very different for many people considering their social background or perspective, but eventually I think everybody will realize that everything is connected and that we are all part of one community.

I feel kinda depressed sometimes when I see the news here in Japan, and have the news caster say in relief "No Japanese were involved in the accident.". I honestly didn't understand what that comment was for. That doesn't change anything. That shouldn't be a relief to anyone when global communities need to support each other to overcome humanities new problems.

Anyway, I'm sure most people have considered donating some money to the relief efforts in Haiti.
It's easy. Holding back on a few movies or nights out, you could probably help save lives.


American Red Cross

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